Thursday, March 15, 2012

"What do you wanna do?"....

"I dunno...what do you wanna do?"
 (Hint: these are vultures)

So, can you name that movie?
I'm betting on only a couple of you...
but I'd love to be proven wrong.
(It's one of my all time favorites.)

As a side note: there were about 30 of these guys perched in this and the adjacent trees...
a face only a mother could love, but still cool to see perching in groups like this.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Okay, so spring arrived here in the South about a month ago...seriously! We are in full bloom, and I drive past the following scenes twice a day, every day. Today, I decided I really needed to stop and take a picture or two before it was too late.

This is the realm of the land baron...our measly 2 acres is nothin' down here, and that is just one of the many things I love about living in this area. Seems that the attitude is "go big or go home". We don't just plant one Bradford Pear...

no, no, no...

we line both sides of our driveways with Bradford Pears, and we fill our yards with magnolias and forsythia and daffodils and azaleas and crepe myrtle and God knows what else...

but damn! It is truly a lovely way to live!

These are two different driveways, by the way...two of many just like it...

Obviously, the trees in the bottom picture are just about ready to go green.

I'm keeping my eye on one particular yard that is absolutely filled with bulbs...I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Tunes

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love music. I love music that makes you want to sing and dance and smile. Loud and proud, baby! 

I’m a classic rock girl, but I also love those old, really obscure pop hits from the 60’s, 70’s and maybe the 80’s that you would NEVER hear if you just tuned into the classic rock radio station. And, if you know me well, you know I’m something of a savant when it comes to this subject.

I come by it honestly. I grew up on the Kingston Trio, Ray Stevens, Johnnie Horton, and all the old show tunes. I think we wore out the soundtrack from The Sound of Music. The four of us and the three neighbor kids, when left to our devices while our parents went out to dinner, came up with a rather entertaining mini opera based on Snoopy and the Red Baron. And let us not forget Mitch Miller. Car rides with our parents were virtual sing-a-longs to such greats as Anne Murray, The Carpenters, and Vickie Carr. I was in high school before I learned that “Light My Fire” did not originate with Perry Como, or some such other me embarrassed! (I missed that particular Ed Sullivan show.)

My sisters and I used to sing anything we could come up with while we were doing dishes…harmonizing in a cappella. One of our better performances was the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and, during the holidays, Adeste Fideles. When I say “better”, I don’t mean good.

As we got older my older brother contributed with the great rock bands of the 70’s…The Guess Who, Chicago, Three Dog Night, Creedence Clearwater Revival…I could go on forever here. Then of course, there was the American Top 40, which we would tune into, sitting right next to the speaker with the microphone of our tape recorder strategically placed, pirating our own tapes.  The problem with this technology was there had to be absolute silence in the room. I was particularly miffed at my older sister when she let out several whoops and hollers while jamming to Rockin’ Robin (a la a very young Michael Jackson).

As teenagers, when the kids would all ride together, our road trips to the Lake of the Ozarks were jammin’ with the Eagles, Head East, Boston, Gary Wright.

As adults, my older sister introduced me to the “be the first to name that tune and artist” game while we were on a road trip. She did this with absolutely no introduction…just blurted out the song and artist, and informed me she had 10 points on me. Game on. She picked the wrong girl…I can kick her butt on that one without even trying. My younger sister, who spends a lot of time in her car listening to Sirius radio by virtue of the fact that she lives in a big city, calls me randomly with the phone to her car speaker when something truly “out-of-the-blue” comes on.  

My own road trip CD line up starts with Bob Seger’s Greatest Hits (first) album, which appropriately begins with “Roll Me Away” (BTW, if you don’t love Seger, you’re dead to me). Later in the lineup comes Meatloaf’s Bat Out of Hell album just in time to beat the road wearies. All sing-out-loud songs. You get the point.

I married someone with a similar background, with the exception that he really does have some singing talent. So, when I told him that I wanted to fill my i-Pod with those really great, really obscure songs, he became an enabler. We actually stayed up until 2 am one Saturday morning, playing around on i-Tunes and making a list…a very long list. The great thing is he has 11 years on me, so he came up with a lot of things I had forgotten about. i-Tunes enables you, too, because they make suggestions based on your searches. 

Sooo, I was thrilled when he presented me with a generous i-Tunes gift card last week. I burned through that puppy in less than an hour. And now, I have the greatest playlist ever!

The problem is the list is still fairly long and I have no idea how many songs my i-Pod will hold. Right now I’m close to 350 songs (no, I have not spent this much on i-Tunes…most of my CD collection is on there, too), and it will be a very sad day indeed if I’m ever forced to delete songs to make room for more. It will be like trying to choose between your children.

On that note (pun intended), feel free to post your own suggestions…

ETA: I should, in all fairness, let you know that a good part of my really fabulous playlist includes songs from our daughter...she comes by it honestly...