Matthew 13:42: "And shall cast them into
a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."
And I’m referring to…
Car shopping during the great heat wave of 2011.
Okay, let’s say used car shopping.
The story is thus:
While her father and I were out running amok on the high
seas, Anna was here in Georgia
babysitting her pets. Before we left, though, we had budgeted some cash with
which to replace her car, the fabulous and much celebrated, Little Red, who was
becoming a hazard through no fault of its own (insert grumbling and mumbling
about idiots who think they’re
The plan was to have her look for cars of interest while
here, and upon our return she and I would spend some time checking them out. If
we found nothing here, I would begrudgingly drive her back to Missouri where we would continue our search.
We drove all over Northwest Georgia
and the experience was, well, rather frightening. The big dealers had nothing
in our price range, and the used car dealers were seedy little enterprises
stocked with cars which very clearly appeared to either be stolen or
repossessed. (Baby seats and other personal items still inside). Oh, there was
the cute little yellow VW Beetle with a smiley face painted on the side, but
they never returned our phone call.
Sooo, off to Missouri
we go. Ten hours later, at 5 pm, the thermometer on my car is reading 105 degrees!
The shopping began in earnest the next day. Let me just
point out for the record that every car lot in central Missouri is a vast desert of hot, steamy
concrete. The whole time I was there the temperature never dipped below 103
Okay, so the adventure begins with a cute little red Chevy 5-speed
and a nice salesboy, obviously smitten with my daughter, who tries to give
her a lesson on the intricacies of getting and maintaining a good credit
rating. All the while I can feel my brain starting to sizzle and I’m thinking, “Dude,
I just told you we’re paying cash…you’re cute, but cut the crap.” The entire
day, and the next, we drove various sauna-like vehicles, all of which were
slightly out of our price range. Dehydration and desperation were in the air.
Then, oh then, we found it! A sweet little Toyota Camry,
clean as a whistle and perfectly priced. The dealer, a very grandfatherly type,
got the AC going for us and hydrated us while the car was prepped for the big
test drive. We drove it down the business loop, then hopped on the interstate
to check out how it accelerates and handles at higher speeds. It was sweet! We
were smiling and happy and high-fiving each other…then, just after we exited
and were heading back to the dealership…
I called the dealership…they were on their way. Then…
The dealer, his partner, and a mechanic arrived. Then…
Then the mechanic risked life and limb by yanking out the washer
fluid container and dousing the flames.
There was a big scorch mark on the hood.
They apologized all over themselves.
We forgave them.
Then we took a break.
Now, being the hearty souls we are, and on a whim (and
frankly, we were now just a little gun shy when it came to used car lots), we
decided to cruise the local Chevy dealer lot. Of course, you absolutely never
cruise a car lot and not have a salesperson magically materialize at your
window. Actually, he thought he just might have what we’re looking for. We went
inside, he brought us water, the other salesboy there flirted with Anna,
we told them story of the flaming Camry, and, being properly mortified, they brought us more
Dead end…the perfect car had just been sold.
Okay, now we’re four days into it, it’s Saturday, July 30th
and I absolutely have to get back to Georgia,
because my Missouri
plates are about to expire. On a tip from my mother we drive 30 miles to visit
her dealer, who assures her that he has plenty of things in my price range,
only to be shown a $12,000 vehicle, and then be told, “No, we have nothing in
your price range”. My head is going to explode.
On the way back the conversation turned to VW’s, and I told
Anna to get on the I-phone and find a dealer. She says, “Head Motor Company has
a Jetta for $3,950”. I said, “Let’s go.” We surprised the salesman by
specifically requesting that car, because they had just put it out on the lot
that morning. We drove it, we inspected it, I talked him down to $3,500, we
bought it.
By the way…
It’s red.
Your family and red cars...good combo!
Little Red dos?
Sounds like it was worth it after all.. what glorious rememberances..
love grandma grace
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