Thursday, March 15, 2012

"What do you wanna do?"....

"I dunno...what do you wanna do?"
 (Hint: these are vultures)

So, can you name that movie?
I'm betting on only a couple of you...
but I'd love to be proven wrong.
(It's one of my all time favorites.)

As a side note: there were about 30 of these guys perched in this and the adjacent trees...
a face only a mother could love, but still cool to see perching in groups like this.


Betty and Dale Smith said...

Since I just texted you the answer, you know I know! LYM

Anonymous said...

Beats me, too old and outdated I am...

How about Goldie Hawn in
Birds on a wire or someothing like that... a crazy movie, not one I would think you would like, but a guess... not Birds by Hitchcock.. ok let me in on the answer, when you are ready.. did Bruce remember it?

Lisa said...

Bruce used the movie line when he showed me the birds, BUT he couldn't remember which movie it was from. Hint: Think Disney!

Anonymous said...

- Larry

Lisa said...

Those were crows in Dumbo ;-) You'll need to look for the bear necessities...

notarobot said...

Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday, Dear Liiii---sa!
Happy Birthday to YOUUUUU.

Anonymous said...

I said Dumbo too :]
Robin Hood? hahaha just kidding.

Lisa said...

Okay, I'm going to let you guys off the hook. There were only two people who got it right...both blood, one out-law (but whom I consider a full-fledged sister). I was seriously disappointed that my own child didn't get this, considering the amount of time I spent watching this movie with her. The funniest response, if taken in context, was "Gone With the Wind". The answer? Disney's Jungle Book! Great movie!