Saturday, March 10, 2012


Okay, so spring arrived here in the South about a month ago...seriously! We are in full bloom, and I drive past the following scenes twice a day, every day. Today, I decided I really needed to stop and take a picture or two before it was too late.

This is the realm of the land baron...our measly 2 acres is nothin' down here, and that is just one of the many things I love about living in this area. Seems that the attitude is "go big or go home". We don't just plant one Bradford Pear...

no, no, no...

we line both sides of our driveways with Bradford Pears, and we fill our yards with magnolias and forsythia and daffodils and azaleas and crepe myrtle and God knows what else...

but damn! It is truly a lovely way to live!

These are two different driveways, by the way...two of many just like it...

Obviously, the trees in the bottom picture are just about ready to go green.

I'm keeping my eye on one particular yard that is absolutely filled with bulbs...I'll keep you posted.


pharm said...

Lovely! speaking of lovely - just bought your birthday present(s). Watch for it.

Betty and Dale Smith said...

Reminds me of our Bradford Pears on
Topaz in Como!