Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trouble Afoot...

So, we have this tree. The gnarly old Bradford pear which I have previously referred to as the "giving tree", because of the multiple bird feeders festooning its branches.The "giving tree" split in half one fateful day, leaving a nice little ledge in which to place things...

like garden gnomes.

More specifically, Henry and Helga. A chubby little gnome couple, blissfully in love. A lovely golden, heart-shaped locket dangling from Henry's hand. I'd show you pictures, but I can't.

Now because this tree is festooned with bird feeders, it also attracts attracts squirrels.
Squirrels make my husband crazy...
Think groundhogs in Caddyshack.

There have been a lot of attacks on squirrels lately.
Attacks, which may have resulted in squirrels temporarily becoming dog toys.
Just saying...

Anyway, so I come home from work today.
Feed the dog, pick up the mail, check out the pond...
and I notice that something is awry.

Upon closer investigation I find this...

and this...

Gnome body parts strewn across the stream...some unaccounted for...Henry has a gaping hole in his abdomen and Helga's throat is MIA, along with her spleen...(if garden gnomes had such things.)

So I ask you...
is this just the result of hijinks among the wild things of the Appalachian foothills, or
is there something more sinister at work here...

like revenge?

Funny Squirrels - Funny Squirrel Picture 85 (FunnyPica.com)

Mr. B better watch his back...


Anonymous said...

That is too funny! OMG - like the rabbits and coons at my house - Bunny

kathyrn turner said...

Looks like gnomicide to me.
Or maybe "wgd"--weapons of gnome destruction!